Electric Vehicle

21-23 June 2023

Edinburgh Napier University
Transport Research Institute

Edinburgh, UK

8th International Conference


Dr Stathis Tingas
General Chair
Edinburgh Napier University
[United Kingdom]

Dr Firdaus Muhammad Sukki
Edinburgh Napier University
[United Kingdom]

Logistics and Public Relations Support

Yvonne Lawrie & Gary Wright

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TRI was established in 1996, building on Edinburgh Napier’s success as a provider of teaching in Civil and Transportation Engineering.
TRI is well established in Scotland with excellent long-standing links to industry and government.
TRI is the most well-known transport research group in Scotland and in the top ten in the UK,
delivering high quality transport research, consultancy and other knowledge transfer projects in high impact settings.

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TRI contact: Yvonne Lawrie, Y.Lawrie@napier.ac.uk